jueves, 28 de junio de 2012


Whales are coming to Península de Valdes,in Chubut,which hosts, in winter ,the largest breeding population.
Killer Whales (Orcas/Ballena asesina),can be seen there too.
The "Southern Right Whale"("right"(correcta/franca) because it´s easy to hunt) is a slow swimmer.
Killer Whales are faster than Right Whales,because Right Whales are bigger and heavier.
Killer Whales have got teeth and they eat penguins,seals and fish.They are black and white.
Right Whales have got baleens ("barbas") and they eat krill.
But,Killer Whales are not whales.They are dolphins... the biggest of dolphins.
The largest animal in the world also lives in the sea.
It´s the Blue Whale.
There aren´t many whales in the world.They need our help!

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